Stopping work for this week wasn't a smart choice. I'm starting to fall behind on my work. I'm no longer efficient & starting to procrastinate a lot more. So I guess being busy REALLY REALLY make me more efficient. What kinda weird theory is that? But I'm definitely not complaining, more money, more work done. It sound like a perfect plan so far (:
(Sigh. I dont know why this days things have been so nasty & irritating. I reflect on a daily basis if it was largely my fault. But it takes 2 hands to clap, I'm sure some of the reasons point back to you too. Sometimes you need to be less stubborn, you need to let me know how you feel & it's definitely time for you to give in to me. I'm sick of being the one apologizing first.)

On a really really random note, our year 3 lecture hall got burnt down!!! Definitely not a good thing to happen to us! Out of ALLLLLL the lecture hall in school, I dont know why it has to be OUR lecture hall. Running from one end of school to another end, twice a day within 5 minutes is definitely not the form of exercise I'm looking at.
Celine Nano baby <3 <3

Somehow I always have a weakness for anything nautical!
The new up and coming trend! Ombreeeeee!
Sweaters sweaters! I love sweaters to no end! If only I'm living in a country w 4 seasons!
Printed tee! THE fashion trend for NYFW (:
Love tweed material, but my bff think it's auntie :p
(: one of my fav bloggers!
Another know where to find cute necklaces like hers?!
So pretty & tiny. LOVE!
Amazing illustration by my fav's!
*MAY (:
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