My sister suggest I should go make a name-card & start taking outfit shots of people on the streets (sth which my bff think is weird :p hello you gonna have a weird-er bff soon!)
The old lady w a cute maxi.
I really like this combi. Polka Dot & Salmon Pink.
I really like the prints but nt the entire dress tho!
Guys put in a lot of effort to dress up.
Love love this dress! Can you imagine she was spotted in CHINATOWN :O
Chanel bag?! :O
Love love this combi too!
P.S The boys in Shanghai are really fashionable too!! Too bad I couldnt take most of the snapshot either cos they were walking too fast / that I spot them in a shopping centre so it will be too obvious if I start snapping away.
Shops display.
I'm starting to have great <3 for shop display.
I could jus stand infront of a shop & gaze at the display just cos it is sooo beautiful.
*may (:
Thank you shanghai for letting me have such a fantastic time!
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